Oh what a week!
There was a point a few days before the start of half term when I was convinced that no one would be coming to the Museum when we reopened. I have never been more pleased to be wrong in my life!
When we opened the door on Saturday morning we were greeted by a family, already waiting to come in and get the week underway. The booking system worked really well. People who arrived without a booking were able to use the system there and then to book and come in. It kept a nice safe steady flow of people moving though the building. And everyone was very patient with us and our volunteers as we reminded ourselves how the front till worked!

The family activities where very well received, as families headed off on the one way route with bags and trails in hand. As always the model railway was a real highlight for everyone and, even with a smaller track laid out, it lost none of its enjoyment for us all. An enormous thank you to the volunteers who gave up their week to run the model railway.
It was wonderful to be back doing story time, and to have many of our toys (and lots of hand gel!) back in gallery. The one way system meant that everyone got to see all parts of the Museum. As the week went on, the big art project grew, and we all felt more confident with the museum open again.
It was wonderful and amazing to see so many of our regular families return, and to see how the babies were now toddling round, and the bumps where now awake and keen babies on their first visits. Some littles ones could not remember coming before, but many more knew exactly what they were doing and led their parents confidently in. All our tickets are now valid for a year, and it was lovely to see families returning later in the week for a second, or third visit!
The new outdoor seating area for the café went down very well. Yhe young people of our partner charity, Our Barn, worked so hard to deliver and excellent service and lovely coffee and cake.
In order for the Museum to keep going we are going to need many more weeks like this past one, and it felt that with our visitors and the support of our local community it will be possible. Thank you all for coming, without our visitors there is no Museum.
Liz, Director